I'm Ann Kelly from Scotland. My nightmare started when I tried to come off the antidepressant venlafaxine in 2008. This is how it was for me. I was staying at my sister's and I'd be heard screaming down the phone at relatives threatening suicide, running round the house in the middle of the night. I'd be shaking, my legs buckling underneath me, slurring my speech, unable to construct sentences. unable to sit up in the bath. Lying in a bed soaked in sweat and urine. I'm still left permanently disabled from this. I go to sleep with ice packs against my head. I wake at 3am with my heart pounding. I spend most of my 24 hours unable to function like a normal person. My arms and hands shake, my body is shivering and I'm fatigued to the point of exhaustion. I feel shaky and nervous and my head is burning and stinging. My short term memory is poor and I have almost set fire to the house on four separate occasions.
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Ann became suicidal after coming off venlafaxine and is still suffering debilitating effects