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Your Story

Stolen Lives - Guidelines for submitting your story


We are collecting accounts from people who have been harmed by antidepressants and other depression medications, and gathering stories of people whose lives have been lost as a direct result of these medications.

We also want to hear from those who have recovered.


Please email your story and photo to following these guidelines:

  1. Please submit a photo of yourself if the story is about you, or of the person whose life has been lost. Try to find the best quality photo you have, larger images (high res) are preferable. 

  2. Summarise your story in anything from 100 to 1000 words. You can write your story in the email or attach it as a Word document.

  3. Please write in the first person beginning with your name and where you are from.  
    “My name is David, I'm from London and my daughter, Tracy had her life stolen after she  was prescribed x for y…”
    “My name is Susan, I live in Ohio. I was prescribed x for anxiety...”


  4. If possible please describe which medications were prescribed (although no need to include chapter and verse of every drug and dosage), when they were prescribed and why. Please also describe the the physical and emotional effects of the drugs and, if relevant, what happened when they were withdrawn. 

  5. Finally, what have you learnt from this experience?

Many thanks for sending in your story. There may be legal or editorial reasons why we can’t include it on this website but we read everything and are very appreciative of the effort you have made.

Please be assured we will never share your contact details.

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